Daily News

Daily News make sure you have the news you need to hold American politicians accountable. Updates about the Republican Party itself, as well as the work Congresspeople are doing, are critical to helping you understand the issues. Which Congresspeople are protecting your rights? What is your president doing to defend your freedoms here at home? Daily News ensures you can answer these questions so you can be armed with this knowledge when it comes time to cast your vote.

Domestic headlines are only part of the political landscape, however. Republican News also publishes Frontline Reports, which keeps you aware and informed about America’s presence around the world.

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Frontline Reports focuses on America’s progress and presence on the global stage. Republican News keeps you up-to-date on our participation in global diplomacy and conflict, as well as any talks or summits that are scheduled to occur between the United States and foreign powers. Frontline Reports are fiercely respectful of the United States Armed Forces, acknowledging the courage it takes for America’s finest to commit to unwavering service to preserve democracy around the globe and ensure we remain free and safe.

While global issues are paramount, issues at home are critical as well. That’s why we encourage you to also subscribe to Daily News — where Republican News helps you hold Congress accountable.

Recent Reports

(RepublicanNews.org) - In a new letter to her GOP colleagues, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene of Georgia called on fellow Republicans in Congress to join...
(RepublicanNews.org) - While perhaps trying to mitigate some of the backlash from the 2022 Supreme Court ruling that ended federal abortion protections, former President...
(RepublicanNews.org) - A 22-year-old woman from Georgia is reported to have told police that she had been instructed by God to shoot people on...
(RepublicanNews.org) - Doubts have been raised around the ability of Knight Specialty Insurance to post the promised $175 million bond on behalf of Donald...
(RepublicanNews.org) - Iranian officials have reportedly told the U.S. that Iran will refrain from a military response to a recent airstrike in Damascus that...
(RepublicanNews.org) - As part of a federal court settlement, tech giant Google has agreed to destroy millions of users’ private browsing history gathered while...

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(RepublicanNews.org) - Despite Nikki Haley’s 2024 presidential campaign being well and truly over, the former UN ambassador retains some faithful fans who refuse to...
(RepublicanNews.org) - Less than a week after bringing her on board as a regular commentator, former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel has already been let...
(RepublicanNews.org) - All of the Senate Democrats voted against a proposed amendment to prevent taxpayer money from being spent on flying illegal immigrants to...
(RepublicanNews.org) - Donald Trump has been given just ten days to pay a reduced bond of $175 million while he appeals his New York...
(RepublicanNews.org) - After a government funding bill passed the House last week with less than half of GOP support, House Speaker Mike Johnson is...
(RepublicanNews.org) - The death of a 22-year-old student is reportedly being treated as “accidental” following preliminary autopsy results. The toxicology results are yet to...


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