Daily News

Daily News make sure you have the news you need to hold American politicians accountable. Updates about the Republican Party itself, as well as the work Congresspeople are doing, are critical to helping you understand the issues. Which Congresspeople are protecting your rights? What is your president doing to defend your freedoms here at home? Daily News ensures you can answer these questions so you can be armed with this knowledge when it comes time to cast your vote.

Domestic headlines are only part of the political landscape, however. Republican News also publishes Frontline Reports, which keeps you aware and informed about America’s presence around the world.

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Frontline Reports focuses on America’s progress and presence on the global stage. Republican News keeps you up-to-date on our participation in global diplomacy and conflict, as well as any talks or summits that are scheduled to occur between the United States and foreign powers. Frontline Reports are fiercely respectful of the United States Armed Forces, acknowledging the courage it takes for America’s finest to commit to unwavering service to preserve democracy around the globe and ensure we remain free and safe.

While global issues are paramount, issues at home are critical as well. That’s why we encourage you to also subscribe to Daily News — where Republican News helps you hold Congress accountable.

Recent Reports

(RepublicanNews.org) - The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a hotly debated bill that seeks to reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s Section 702....
(RepublicanNews.org) - Following an Arizona Supreme Court ruling upholding a Civil War-era abortion law that made the practice a felony, former President Donald Trump...
(RepublicanNews.org) - Three sailors stranded for over a week on a tiny island in the Pacific were finally rescued by the U.S. Navy and...
(RepublicanNews.org) - The U.S. gave strict instructions to its embassy staff in Israel to remain within the boundaries of Tel Aviv, Beersheba, and the...
(RepublicanNews.org) - All gun sellers who sell firearms “predominantly to earn a profit” will need to seek registration as federally licensed arms traders under...
(RepublicanNews.org) - Former President Donald Trump made a third attempt to delay his criminal trial in New York over alleged hush money payments to...

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(RepublicanNews.org) - Supporters of Alexey Navalny, who died in a Siberian prison on February 16th while imprisoned for violating the terms of his probation...
(RepublicanNews.org) - President Joe Biden and the White House sparked widespread outrage, especially among Christians, after making an official declaration recognizing Transgender Day of...
(RepublicanNews.org) - After suffering a winter of respiratory illnesses, Pope Francis managed to lead Easter worship for 60,000 attendees on Easter Sunday, March 31st....
(RepublicanNews.org) - In Illinois, a man was arrested last week after killing four people and injuring seven others, including a mother who was rescued...
(RepublicanNews.org) - A bus carrying 46 people to an Easter celebration in the Limpopo region of South Africa crashed through the side of a...
(RepublicanNews.org) - NBC News announced the hiring of former head of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel, as a political analyst on Friday, March 22nd. The...


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