Home Assistance For Recovering Addicts — It’s a Thing and Here’s How It Works
(RepublicanNews.org) – Addiction can be a challenging obstacle for people to overcome, and temptation makes it difficult for addicts to commit to fully recovering and staying sober. The government has programs that provide housing for people who need to live in a safe, clean and sober environment. If you or someone you love is in need, these agencies can help.
HUD Assistance
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) launched a program to help recovering addicts find stable but temporary housing. HUD Secretary Ben Carson issued a statement asserting that America needs to erase the shame people associate with substance abuse and addiction to make treatment as easy to obtain as the drugs they abuse.
Carson added that the Recovery Housing Program (RHP) from HUD would bring new funding and new associates in the battle against the opioid epidemic in America, strengthening the collaboration between local, state and federal governments as well as faith-based communities and non-profit organizations.
HUD’s Recovery Housing Program
H.R.6, the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, authorized HUD to create the department’s housing program, officially called The Pilot Program, to help individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder become stably housed. HUD’s RHP allows states and the District of Columbia to supply recovering addicts with stable and transitional housing.
The program will only provide funding for a maximum of two years or until the person is able to find permanent housing, whichever comes first. The program doesn’t fund individuals directly for those looking for recovery housing. Instead, it supports state agencies. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s important that you or them visit https://www.findtreatment.gov/. Thousands of state-licensed specialists can help with substance abuse, mental illness or substance use disorders.
Other Options
The US Department of Health & Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also provides recovering addicts with affordable housing through its own recovery housing program. SAMHSA’s program differs from HUD’s by using different approaches, depending primarily on drug and alcohol-free living conditions. The program also allows individuals to benefit from addiction recovery aids and peer support.
There are four tiers of SAMHSA housing available. The first tier includes peer-run establishments, such as Oxford Houses. Tier two is sober living homes with monitoring. Tier three is supervised housing, while the fourth and final tier is residential treatment housing.
Typically it doesn’t matter what type of home or housing a person is in. All programs require individuals to attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotic Anonymous (NA) meetings, stay employed and meet other requirements set by each level of housing. They may also request that individuals have involvement in the community as well. These programs can help recovering addicts get back on their feet and become contributing members of the community.
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