More Republican Resignations Teased by Ken Buck

( – House Republicans are set to see their slim majority decrease to just 218-213 as of Monday, March 18th, with the departure of Colorado Republican Ken Buck. As per House rules, Buck cannot be simply replaced with a temporary representative, so the seat must remain empty until the elections in November. To make matters worse for the GOP, Buck has heavily hinted that further resignations are in the works, saying that his colleagues should worry less about his resignation, and more about “the next three” in the pipeline.

Rep. Buck was due to end his almost decade-long tenure in November, and his early departure shocked House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), whose only warning of the change was a voice call made by Buck just 30 minutes before his public announcement. Speaker Johnson now faces an even more difficult task in maintaining any control of the House with a majority of only five, although that number may yet shrink further if Buck’s warning of “the next three” resignations has any merit.

Buck has been candid in his reasons for wanting to leave his role early, saying that the last year has been the “worst” out of the nine years spent in Congress. He added that speaking to other members has convinced him that it has been the worst year for Congress in the last four or five decades, saying that the seat of American government had “devolved into this bickering and nonsense” and was not working for the American people.

Buck went on to explain that while he looked forward to spending more time with his family in Colorado, he still wished to remain in politics, although in a role where he felt he could make more of a positive impact. He said that many people were frustrated with the apparent choice of either Joe Biden or Donald Trump for president and that while he believed the system of candidate selection to be “broken,” he wished to get involved and help to change it for the better.

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