Perpetrator of Illinois Stabbing Rampage Charged

( – In Illinois, a man was arrested last week after killing four people and injuring seven others, including a mother who was rescued by her son and her dog.

On Wednesday, March 27th, Christian Soto went on a killing spree with a knife, killing four and injuring seven. Soto now faces charges of home invasion, murder, and attempted murder.

Among Soto’s victims was a family who narrowly escaped his deranged murder rampage. Darlene Weber, 46, says she and her daughter, 23-year-old Cathay Gilfillan, would not be alive if it weren’t for her son, Jacob Vollman, 21. Weber said her son is her “knight in shining armor” sent by God after he fought off Soto and saved them.

Soto attacked Weber unexpectedly after she stepped out into the backyard to let the dog out. He said “hey” to her to draw her attention before quickly stabbing her in the face with a kitchen knife. The dog, Brandy, attacked the man as Weber managed to crawl into the house. As she looked for her cell phone to contact 911, her son confronted the man, who entered the house and charged at him. Although struck by the end of the knife’s handle in the scuffle, Vollman managed to avoid the blade.

Gilfillan found Vollman “boxing” with Soto, who quickly turned his attention to her and charged, striking her. She fell on the ground and curled up, and Vollman quickly intervened before he could hit her again, striking Soto with a syrup bottle. Soto escaped out of the backdoor as police arrived in time to detain him.

According to J. Hanley, Winnebago County State Attorney, Soto admitted to the string of crimes that day, which he claims began after he ingested marijuana that may have been “laced” with some other “unknown narcotic” at a friend’s house in Rockford. That friend was Jacob Schupbach, 23, who was the first victim stabbed to death, followed by his mother, 63-year-old Ramona Schupbach. Soto then went on a rampage, killing a mailman named Jay Larson, and then 15-year-old Jenna Newcomb, who managed to save her sister.

Weber described Soto, who remains in custody awaiting trial, as |the devil incarnate.” Vollman said the attacker’s eyes looked completely black and that Soto smiled as he attacked the family.

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