Trump Hints at Nikki Haley’s Return to Trump Team

( – Despite their heated rivalry on the campaign trail and during the early primaries, former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley may team up after all.

After his first major 2024 campaign event in the Big Apple, Trump told News 12 New York on Thursday, May 23rd, that he thinks Haley will be on his “team” because they “have a lot of the same ideas” and “the same thoughts” as the former United Nations ambassador, who served under the former president when he was in office. Regarding recent remarks by Haley, Trump said he “appreciated what she said” despite the “nasty campaign” between the two of them a few months prior.

Trump called Haley “a capable person” and said that he was “absolutely” sure she would be on his team “in some form.”

The day before Trump’s remarks, Haley visited the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C, for an event, which was her first since she suspended her presidential campaign at the beginning of March. During that event, Haley confirmed she will “be voting for Trump” in November.

Haley’s voting pledge comes after months of criticizing Trump as she ran against him for the Republican nomination. For most of the campaign trail, Haley sat in third or fourth place in the polls, and many were shocked that despite these numbers she decided to continue her campaign even after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dropped out almost immediately after the Iowa contest.

DeSantis sat comfortably in second place the entire time, while still leagues behind Trump and smart enough to read the writing on the wall. Haley’s will to keep competing with Trump after it was long clear he was already the presumptive nominee perplexed many. Some found her determination endearing, while others criticized her as foolishly trying to divide the party.

A few weeks before his New York rally, Trump wrote on his Truth Social page that the former South Carolina governor was “not under consideration” as a running mate, although he seemed to side-step that question when asked again. Instead, he listed some other prospective candidates he liked, such as Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, and Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York. Trump said “there are so many” people “doing a fantastic job” he could choose from as vice president, but did not reiterate Haley being off the table.

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