Democrat Mayor Eric Adams Calls for Rollback of Sanctuary City Laws

( – Many Democratic lawmakers and politicians who once touted the glory of their “sanctuary” states and cities have backtracked on those positions, and some, like New York City Mayor Eric Adams, are now advocating the opposite stance: no more immigrants.

On Tuesday, July 9, Adams spoke at a press conference and referenced former New York Mayor Bill de Blasio by claiming the “previous administration made a big mistake” and put the current state of the nation’s financial capital on his predecessor. Adams said the city now needs “to correct that aspect of it,” referring to the open-door policy regarding immigrants arriving in New York and the 2014 legislation signed by de Blasio which prevented law enforcement from cooperating and complying with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). 

A bipartisan coalition in the New York City Council called the “Common Sense Caucus” put forward the anti-sanctuary city bill that would reverse laws from de Blasio’s administration from 2014 that prevent New York City law enforcement from cooperating with ICE detainer requests for illegal aliens. De Blasio doubled down on this policy and expanded it in 2018.

Since the Spring of 2022, an estimated 200,000 immigrants have entered the city and overwhelmed its shelter system, leading to the conversion of hotels throughout the Burroughs to house and feed the new arrivals. The influx also resulted in large budget cuts in government programs.

Adams warned last year that the situation could “destroy” New York City and that the Big Apple has reached a “breaking point.”

When he first took office, the mayor held more moderate views and said the city should care for those in need, but that position could only last for so long, and soon he was pressuring the Biden administration to step in and do something about the border. Adams even paid a visit to the border in Texas himself to assess the situation.

Adams said that he supports the new bill allowing law enforcement to comply with ICE and will continue to express concern over crimes committed by immigrants against New Yorkers.

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