Barron Trump Declines RNC Delegate Position

( – Barron Trump just turned 18, he’s about to graduate high school, and he was about to get his first start in politics right away instead of following exactly in his father’s footsteps by going into business first. Soon after being selected for the position, however, the president’s youngest son politely declined to play a formal role this election season in the Republican National Convention in July.

On Wednesday, May 8th, the Republican Party of Florida announced that former President Donald Trump’s youngest son was selected as an at-large delegate. The selection was confirmed by Evan Power, chairman of the Sunshine State’s Republican Party, who said Barron would serve as one of the 41 at-large delegates from Florida in the upcoming national gathering to nominate the GOP’s next presidential candidate officially.

There are 125 delegates, but unfortunately, Barron will not be among them as they cast their votes in July to nominate his father, who is the presumptive nominee and has already won enough delegates throughout the primary elections. Melania Trump’s office made a statement, saying, “While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments.”

It’s not unusual to see Barron jump into the political arena, but it seems he would like to wait a little bit longer before officially entering the ring. Many of the former president’s family members have helped him on the campaign trail and in his former administration, often playing integral roles. Barron, on the other hand, has mostly stayed out of the public eye due to his youth.

Trump’s older sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, have campaigned for their father and are also both at-large delegates in Florida. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, served in a cabinet position as Director of the Office of American Innovation from 2017 until the end of Trump’s term.

Unlike the rest of his siblings, Barron is the only child of the former president and Melania Trump. Also unlike his other siblings, he was still too young to participate in the political sphere of influence during the 2016 and 2020 elections, remaining less visible and keeping mostly to himself to enjoy his childhood.

Donald Trump Jr., as well as Eric and Tiffany Trump, will still be joining the Florida delegation to the convention, which will take place in Milwaukee in mid-July.

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