Biden Calls Trump’s Iowa Victory Meaningless

( – As is to be expected, President Joe Biden dismissed the significance of the Iowa caucuses results, showing former President Donald Trump winning favorability among Republican voters by 51%.

The president said that he doesn’t think the results in Iowa mean “anything” and that Trump only “got 50-some-thousand votes,” which he claims is lower than “anybody” who has won the Iowa caucuses.

Only 30 minutes into tallying the results, news outlets were already declaring Trump the winner of the Iowa caucus, which took place on January 15th and is the first major contest indicating the Republican nominee’s preferred presidential candidate. Despite securing 51% of GOP support in the caucuses, Biden and other leading Democrats are arguing Trump’s victory wasn’t as big as it seems.

Democratic Governor of Illinois, JB Pritzker, appeared on MSNBC for an interview after Trump’s victory and pointed out that “almost half” of the Republican Party’s base who showed up for the caucuses “voted against” Trump, and asked viewers to “think about that” fact. Pritzker said he thinks it “is telling,” indicating Trump is a weak candidate who may not receive an enthusiastic turnout during the general election.

Pritzker said that Democrats will get their base to the polls and also that independents don’t like the former president. Pritzker argued that because caucuses tend to draw a crowd from only the most die-hard voters and Trump was unable to persuade about half of them, this is a good sign for Biden’s re-election campaign.

The president’s campaign is already facing some serious trouble, though, as his popularity among Arab and Muslim voters plummets amid the conflict in Israel. Biden was questioned about this decline in support from pro-Palestinian voters, but dismissed the criticism and deflected back to Trump, bringing up the former president’s 2017 travel ban on Arab nations.

Democratic voters and progressive activists have been putting pressure on the White House to call on Israel to enact a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as the death toll continues to climb. The Jewish state has been engaged in a counteroffensive operation since the Oct. 7th attack by Hamas.

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