Biden Claims Trump Is Running for ‘Revenge’ During NAACP Dinner

( – President Biden addressed the Detroit branch of the NAACP at their 69th annual Fight for Freedom Dinner on Sunday, May 19th. While protestors gathered outside the venue with posters referring to Biden as “genocide Joe” and calling for a “global intifada” over the Gaza war, Biden tried to convince the NAACP members to vote for him in November. He avoided talking about the protestors or the Middle Eastern conflict and instead applauded his administration while denigrating Donald Trump.

Biden warned the audience that Trump was solely interested in “revenge” and undoing the “progress” that Biden and his team had made over the last few years. Biden went so far as to call Trump “unhinged” as he would not accept Biden’s 2020 victory. Trump has made a point on his campaign trail to mock Biden’s own mental state, accusing him of mental incompetence and pointing to numerous public gaffes made by the president.

Biden told the crowd that he was only in power because of their vote and spoke at length about how he had tried to improve the lives of black Americans. He claimed to have narrowed the wealth gap between white and black Americans, although this was later denied by fact-checkers at Politifact.

The current president also asked the mostly black crowd what they thought Trump would have done to the Jan 6th protestors had they been black. He did not make any direct accusations, but simply said that he “[could] only imagine”. This drew a round of applause from the crowd, some of whom were happy to compliment Biden after his speech. One woman said that she felt “overwhelmed” as she had never seen a president in real life before.

Janiyah Thomas, Black Media Coordinator for the Trump campaign, called Biden’s speech “pandering” and claimed that black voters are unhappy with Biden. Thomas cited a poor economy, the immigration crisis, and failing schools as reasons why black Americans do not trust Biden.

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