(RepublicanNews.org) – Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blasted fellow Democrat and party leader President Joe Biden and the current administration for establishing border policies that are hurting the US by inviting waves of immigrants.
Cuomo made an appearance on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” and told the comedian and late-night host that Biden’s immigration policy “was a mistake.” The former New York governor added that although he understands “the theory of the extreme left” that America is “a land of immigrants” and everyone should be welcome, he believes how it’s done “makes all the difference in the world.”
Cuomo blasted the Biden administration for opening the borders “with no plan,” which is overwhelming cities across the country with newcomers without a means to “pay for them.” He then mentioned the “couple of hundred thousand” being housed in hotels throughout New York City, which he said is costing the city “a fortune.”
Maher pointed out how the current governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, and Mayor Eric Adams have shifted their rhetoric on the issue, going from vocal supporters of having a “sanctuary state” to calling for mitigating the influx of immigrants overwhelming the state and its metropolitan hub. Maher jokes he would confuse them for Republicans if he “didn’t know who was talking.”
The former governor said that their changing tune still “didn’t stop” the influx and that Hochul and Adams “could have stopped them” from coming. Cuomo said they “could have said no” to allowing more immigration and that “many mayors and governors” did just that, but that the city’s “ideological left” leaning leadership means “all are welcome.”
A spokesperson for Adams rebuked the former governor’s remarks, claiming his “comments are simply not true.” The spokesperson noted that Adams does not have the “legal ability” to stop buses from arriving in New York City with immigrants while having a “legal obligation” to shelter them. The mayor’s office also blasted the federal government for providing “little support” during the crisis.
Cuomo stepped down from office in 2021 after a wave of sexual harassment allegations against him. Hochul was brought in to replace him and then re-elected in 2022.
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