George Soros Provides Funding to Fuel Campus Unrest

( – Several leaders behind the wave of pro-Palestinian protests across U.S. college campuses are paid fellows of groups connected to George Soros funding.

A recent report found that three major leaders behind the protests and university encampments are U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) fellows. The USCPR is a Soros-funded initiative that contributes to activist causes. Fellows based on university campuses receive a minimum of $2,880 to a maximum of $3,660 for eight hours of labor a week organizing pro-Palestinian campaigns, while “community-based” fellows receive up to $7,800 for their services.

Since 2017, the USCPR has received over $300,000 from Open Society Foundations, a grantmaking network based in the U.S., which was founded by billionaire Soros, who many on the political right believe uses his extensive wealth and philanthropic endeavors to influence geopolitical affairs. Fellows are encouraged to “rise up” and start a “revolution.” It also calls on its activist leaders to reject calls for reform and instead advocate for the revolutionary overthrow of power structures.

One of those fellows is Nidaa Lafi, who used to head the University of Texas chapter for Students for Justice in Palestine and spoke at a recent press conference at the encampment on campus. In January, she was arrested for blocking the motorcade of President Joe Biden during the funeral of former Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, whom Lafi used to intern for.

Another fellow, Craig Birckhead-Morton, was arrested at Yale University on Monday, April 22nd, for occupying Beinecke Plaza with other students. He was also a Democratic Party intern and worked for Rep. John Sarbanes of Maryland.

Then there’s Malak Afaneh, president of the Berkeley Law Students’ chapter of Justice in Palestine. She made headlines earlier in April after hijacking a dinner hosted by the dean of the law school in order to make remarks against Israel and calling for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, accusing the dean’s wife of assault for putting her hands on Afaneh and trying to stop her from speaking.

Other activist groups connected to Soros’s funding include the Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine, and Students for Justice in Palestine.

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