Governor Abbott Begins Building 80-Acre Military Camp in Eagle Pass for 2,300 Soldiers

Abbott Promises To Send More Migrants Until Biden Responds

( – Governor Greg Abbott has announced the construction of a new military camp based in Eagle Pass in order to continue his state’s fight against illegal immigration. The Republican governor told the public on Friday, February 16th, that the 80-acre camp will be able to house up to 2,300 soldiers upon completion, enabling the Lone Star State to keep a large number of soldiers much more comfortably in an area of strategic importance. This, he says, will allow the Texas National Guard to respond more quickly and effectively to problems at the border.

The area around Eagle Pass has proved to be a popular area for migrants to attempt illegal crossings into the U.S. and with such crossings reaching a record high during Pres. Biden’s administration, the Republican governor launched Operation Lone Star in 2021, a joint venture between the state’s Military Department and its Department of Public Safety. As part of this operation, soldiers have erected razor wire along the banks of the Rio Grande in order to prevent illegal entry. In January the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal agents had the right to remove the razor wire as immigration control falls under the remit of the federal government. Abbott has refused to remove the wire, which remains firmly in place.

Despite the disapproval of the Biden administration, Abbott’s approach has gained approval from his party, with all but one republican governor signing a letter expressing their support for his actions. The announcement of the new military base, known as Forward Operating Base Eagle, allowed Abbott to reaffirm his commitment to maintaining his state’s own defenses, explaining that there was a need to continue and “expand” the state’s border defense efforts.

The base is expected to house 300 soldiers by mid-April, with the aim of expanding by 300 beds every 30 days or so. The base is intended to provide a higher standard of living than many of the soldiers currently experience, with some troops being forced to sleep in tents due to a lack of provisions. The plans for the camp include a helicopter landing pad, health services, and storage for weapons. Also included will be facilities for leisure, such as on-site gyms and movie theaters. Abbott did not say how much the project would cost.

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