Lost Navy SEALs Declared Dead

(RepublicanNews.org) – The United States military has announced that the search for two Navy SEALs who went missing in the Arabian Sea amid an operation to board a ship and seize Iranian-made weaponry has concluded and that the soldiers are now officially dead. The search had lasted for ten days.

According to a statement from U.S. Central Command, the search has been redirected to a recovery mission. The lost men were Christopher J. Chambers, 37, and Nathan Gage Ingram, 27.

The statement continued by saying they honored the ideals of our nation and gave their life to defend their fellow citizens. Sympathies were extended to those who had lost these two courageous Americans. Their sacrifice, legacy, and service will always be remembered.

The United States Coast Guard Atlantic Area Command, the University of San Diego Scripts Institute of Oceanography, the Office of Naval Research, and ships and planes from Spain, Japan, and the United States continuously searched more than 21,000 square miles, according to the military.

Officials said that an unregistered ship delivering Iranian-made weaponry to the Houthi rebels was the objective of the attack that took place on January 11th. The operation occurred under the cover of darkness, close to the Somali shore. Reports indicate that during the team’s boarding process, a SEAL was knocked by a wave into rough waters, prompting a colleague to dive in and attempt to rescue him.

Helicopters and drones supported the commandos as they sailed from the USS Lewis B. Puller, a floating naval station.

Central Command said that during the operation, a variety of Iranian-made weapons were recovered. It was the most recent in a string of seizures of weapon shipments destined for the rebels, who have threatened international commerce in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea due to Israel’s conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The seizures were carried out by the United States Navy and its allies.

Fourteen sailors on board were detained, and the ship transporting the weapons was destroyed by the U.S. Navy after it was determined to be hazardous, according to Central Command.

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