Man Suing Walmart for $100 Million

( – A man from Texas threatens to file his second lawsuit in three years against Walmart, seeking unlimited free shopping at any Walmart store for the rest of his life and a $100 million settlement.

Roderick Jackson filed two complaints by hand in which he claimed he would press charges against the company for an alleged incident that occurred at one of its stores in Omaha, Nebraska, back in March 2021. The first complaint recounts the same exact incident that Jackson lays out in his most recent complaint.

In the complaint, which was shared with Fox News by Walmart, the man claims he will press charges against the company “for Civil Rights violations based on race/color.” Jackson is Caucasian. Neither complaint gave much detail about why the man is suing the store chain beyond claiming that the incident involved false accusations of shoplifting. Jackson is asking for either a payout or a lifetime shopping spree. He’s also asking Walmart to foot the bill for any court fees accrued from the lawsuit.

A spokesperson for Walmart told Fox News that the company doesn’t tolerate any form of discrimination. They also said that the man’s “allegations are almost identical” to his lawsuit filed against them in 2021. That case was dismissed by the court. The company vowed to defend itself against Jackson’s claims once he had properly served them. The spokesperson said Walmart will “quickly ask the court to dismiss” the claims for lacking merit.

Jackson claims the store racially profiled him and falsely accused him of shoplifting, which led to his arrest. He said the arrest caused him “emotional stress” as well as “pain from the handcuffs.” He initially asked for $100 million in damages, but later changed the amount in his complaint to $175 million. Jackson said he will also accept “a huge credit” toward “future shopping” at Walmart stores.

His 2021 case was dismissed after Jackson failed to properly serve the company. Walmart is certain the second attempt will be dismissed again as the claims lack merit.

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