Marjorie Taylor Greene Gathers Support for Johnson Ouster

( – In a new letter to her GOP colleagues, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene of Georgia called on fellow Republicans in Congress to join her in rebuking House Speaker Mike Johnson and his leadership of the party.

Even though she did not indicate exactly when or if she would force a vote to the floor to have Johnson removed, Greene’s rhetoric against the House Speaker is certainly escalating.

In her letter, she asked her colleagues in the Republican conference to join her in criticizing Johnson. She argues that the House Speaker has failed to deliver on most of the promises he made when he ran for the position and gained enough unified GOP support last year after former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted. She also argued that Johnson should have done more to stop the early retirement of some GOP members, thinning out the party’s already thin majority.

Greene is ready to give Johnson the same treatment as McCarthy, accusing him of throwing the “razor-thin majority” of the GOP “into chaos” by failing to serve the conference after electing him. The narrow majority has posed a challenge to Johnson, along with having to contend with the Democrat-dominated Senate and a Democrat-run White House, which has left little maneuvering room for the House Speaker amid a historically divided Republican Party.

Johnson appeared to downplay Greene’s threats, perhaps trying to ease the tensions. He said he respects the Georgia congresswoman, and that his door remains “open” to her despite their “honest differences on strategy.” Johnson said the two still “share the same conservative beliefs.”

Greene also warned her colleagues in the letter that she wouldn’t tolerate the House Speaker’s expected push for more funding for Ukraine despite his previous votes against aid in the past. She also said she wouldn’t tolerate laws for warrantless surveillance against foreign nationals that have been proposed.

How much support she’s gained for possible future motions against Johnson, Greene is certainly not his only vocal critic among House Republicans. Reps. Chip Roy, Warren Davidson, and Thomas Massie have also expressed frustrations with the House Speaker, although they have not gone as far as to suggest his removal. Other GOP members don’t want to see Johnson booted and would rather avoid another period of chaos like the weeks following McCarthy’s removal in 2023.

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