Multiple State Buildings Evacuated Due to New Bomb Threats

( – A wide-scale bomb threat caused multiple government buildings to be evacuated on Wednesday and Thursday, January 3rd and 4th. An email sent to state offices across five states on Wednesday claimed that multiple explosive devices had been secreted around the targeted statehouses and would explode some hours after the email had been sent. The email’s sender said that the resultant explosions would be deadly.

Further threatening emails were sent to more state buildings the following day. The emails targeted both blue and red states from across the country, with Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, Connecticut, and Kentucky all sending threats on Wednesday, along with Mississippi, which also received further threats the following day. Also threatened on Thursday, January 4th, were Florida, Maine, Arkansas, and Montana.

As a precaution, several state buildings were evacuated after receiving the threats and had to be checked for explosive devices by police officers. No bombs were found at any of the sites and in most cases, normal business was able to resume after a few hours. The threats, which prevented the normal functioning of various buildings, including courthouses and capitol buildings, appeared to be hoaxes that did not involve any explosive devices.

The FBI is investigating the bomb hoax and released a statement saying that it takes bomb hoaxes very seriously and that even without a real, physical weapon, a hoax can still put people at risk. These latest bomb threats come after a series of “swatting” calls made against public officials over the festive period. “Swatting” involves somebody calling emergency services and falsely reporting an active shooter, hostage situation, or other life-threatening scenario to force a SWAT team to be deployed to that location.

This particular hoax was used against several members of Congress, as well as billionaire George Soros and Maine’s Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows. Bellows recently made headlines when she ruled Republican front-runner Donald Trump ineligible to appear on her state’s ballot. The “swatting” call against Bellows was made the day after she made her ruling public.

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