NBC Dumps Ronna McDaniel After Backlash

(RepublicanNews.org) – Less than a week after bringing her on board as a regular commentator, former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel has already been let go by NBC News following internal protests against her employment, which caused disruptions in the media company.

In a memo issued to employees, NBC Chairman Cesar Conde said “the last several days” at the news outlet since hiring McDaniel were “difficult.” Conde said that after listening to concerns expressed by multiple employees, he’s decided that McDaniel will no longer be a contributor for NBC News. His justification for the decision is that an organization cannot “succeed unless it is cohesive and aligned.” Conde said that after days of complaints, it became clear to him that appointing McDaniel “undermines that goal.”

The chairman went on to apologize to the NBC News team members who felt let down by the appointment, which Conde said he takes “full responsibility for” because he approved the decision even though it “was a collective recommendation” by some members of the newsroom’s leadership team. The reasoning behind that decision, according to Conde, was a “deep commitment” by the network to present “a widely diverse set of viewpoints and experiences” to its audiences, especially during such “consequential times” in the country.

The former RNC chair’s firing comes just days after her NBC debut on “Meet the Press,” during which she was questioned about her positions on former President Donald Trump. During that discussion, McDaniel was asked about Trump’s promise to release all prisoners still behind bars for participating in the Jan. 6th, 2021, riots at the Capitol Building, whom the former president referred to as “hostages.”

McDaniel said she disagreed with Trump’s position about releasing the prisoners, after which she was asked why she’s only saying so now after Trump has made the same promise for months on the campaign trail. McDaniel said she had to “take one for the team” as RNC chair and could now be more herself after stepping down from the role. She also explained her continued support for Trump as the Republican nominee as her only option if President Joe Biden is the other choice.

Creative Artists Agency, the talent agency that negotiated McDaniel’s deal with NBC News, also dropped her after the firing. The ex-RNC chair is now exploring legal options.

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