NBC Fears Losing Conservative Sources Due to McDaniel Firing

(RepublicanNews.org) – NBC News announced the hiring of former head of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel, as a political analyst on Friday, March 22nd. The network swiftly fired her on the following Tuesday after experiencing a backlash amongst many of its left-wing hosts, in a move that has reportedly infuriated its conservative sources.

One NBC journalist complained that while the company’s political reporters had no say in either McDaniel’s hiring or firing, they were the ones who would have to “pick up the pieces” and had already begun to field angry messages from their go-to contacts for Republican or right-leaning news sources. While NBC bosses ultimately caved to the network’s more progressive and liberal hosts, many of them working for sister station MSNBC, the NBC Universal News Group Chairman Cesar Conde claimed to continue to seek an ideologically diverse range of political analysts.

Some of those who argued against McDaniel’s hiring, such as Joy Reid, also appeared to endorse the notion of hiring Republican analysts, saying, “We welcome Republican voices,” and arguing instead that the issue was that McDaniel had supported former President Donald Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against him and that in doing so, she had “backed an illegal scheme.” MSNBC’s President Rashida Jones, also took issue with McDaniel’s appointment, going so far as to tell MSNBC hosts that they did not need to have her on their shows.

In his statement announcing McDaniel’s firing, Conde offered his apologies to his network’s employees and took full responsibility for the appointment. Conde did not, however, make any apology to McDaniel in this statement, and it is not yet clear how his organization will handle the fallout from her sudden, forced departure. According to conservative radio host and friend to McDaniel, Hugh Hewitt, the former RNC head plans to explore legal options.

McDaniel had been contracted to work for NBC for two years to the tune of $300,000 per annum, and Hewitt told Fox News that he understood she planned to sue NBC for breach of contract, mental distress, and for the destruction of potential business opportunities that would have come from two years spent on NBC television shows. Another source claimed that McDaniel may sue for defamation and the creation of a hostile work environment after being so heavily criticized by so many colleagues on air over the four days she was employed.

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