(RepublicanNews.org) – For as long as there have been humans on Earth, there’s been someone trying to take advantage of another person. In the digital age, it’s an even bigger issue. Scammers from all over the world can use the internet as a means to get your personal information and use it nefariously.
They call, email, send letters through the mail, use social media and in-person schemes in an attempt to steal from innocent people. However, there are ways you can protect yourself. The first step is to make sure you’re aware of the current scams.
5 Possible Scams You’ll Encounter
Both the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) keep track of scams currently being used to target Americans. Check out some of the most recent schemes to take your money and steal your information.
- Be on the alert for fake websites and emails asking for your personal information. Do not click on any link that purports to be from the IRS. Even if a website uses a logo for a government agency, it could be a lie. Pay attention and make sure it’s a “.gov” site.
- Beware of phone calls from those claiming to be a business or government agency and say they need your personal information.
- If you receive a threatening phone call (usually a recorded message) from someone claiming you’re facing criminal charges, hang up. Authorities do not send alleged lawbreakers such phone calls.
- Social media scams are common. A criminal might impersonate a loved one and ask you to send money. Don’t ever give out your financial information to anyone, and never wire money without calling your family member or friend to verify the message.
- Research tax preparers before you choose one. Most are professional and honest, but some talk taxpayers into doing illegal things or make serious mistakes on the tax forms.
How to Protect Yourself
Make sure you’re always watching your credit card and bank statements to ensure there aren’t charges on the accounts you didn’t make.
Research any charity you want to donate money to. Do not give a caller your personal information ever. Report scammers to the local police, IRS, and the FTC.
Being diligent means giving would-be scammers fewer opportunities and in order to be diligent, you have to know what to avoid.
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