RFK Jr. Announces His Running Mate

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(RepublicanNews.org) – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made his running mate choice official this week, announcing that tech entrepreneur and attorney Nicole Shanahan will join his ticket at a campaign event in California.

On Tuesday, March 26th, the independent presidential candidate held a rally in Oakland, California, and introduced his running mate. Kennedy praised the 38-year-old philanthropist for her insight into the Big Tech world and her alignment with him on a number of issues.

Kennedy said he wanted “a partner with strong ideas” on combatting “threats to democracy” and in his search “managed to find a technologist” who he says is “at the forefront of AI.” Kennedy said that Shanahan spent over ten years using “neural networks,” artificial intelligence, and “cutting-edge science” to uncover government abuse. He called her a “brilliant scientist” and also a “fierce warrior mom.”

Shanahan, who is a native of Oakland, has a long history of supporting the Democratic Party and donating to left-wing causes and supported President Joe Biden in 2020. Last year, she switched to supporting Kennedy after he launched his campaign as a Democrat. When Kennedy relaunched as an independent, Shanahan withdrew her support but later changed her mind and gave $4 million to a super PAC that ran a campaign ad on Super Bowl Sunday in February.

She also co-founded and heads a private firm called Bia-Echo Foundation, which focuses on reproductive rights, criminal justice reform, equality, and environmental initiatives. Shanahan was once married to Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google before their marriage fell apart after reports that she and Elon Musk had an affair, allegations both of them deny.

Despite the fact that a super PAC supporting Kennedy raised over $2 million on the same day of the announcement, there have been mixed reviews of his choice. With connections to major donors and her own wealth to contribute, Shanahan clearly benefits Kennedy’s campaign, which could use that injection of cash. But others are weary of his selection of a Big Tech lobbyist with strong ties to Democrats.

In her speech, Shanahan also announced her departure from the Democratic Party, which she said was intended to be a party of “compassion,” “free speech,” “the middle class,” and “the American dream.” She maintains that the party no longer abides by those values.

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