RFK Jr. Claims Biden Is “Much Worse” Than Trump

(RepublicanNews.org) – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. believes one of his presidential race opponents is a bigger threat to Democracy than the other, and it’s not the former president but the one currently occupying the Oval Office.

The independent presidential candidate appeared on CNN on Monday, April 1st, and told the host of “OutFront” that he believes President Joe Biden would be “much worse” than former President Donald Trump for American democracy because his administration has weaponized federal agencies. According to Kennedy, the main reason behind his argument is that Biden was the first president and presidential candidate in American history to use federal agencies “to censor political speech or censor his opponent.”

Kennedy said democracy’s greatest threat isn’t “somebody who questions election returns,” referring to Trump, but a president who uses “the power of his office to force” social media companies “to open a portal” of access to three-letter agencies like the CIA and FBI, so they can actively censor “political critics.” This was most likely about the burying of the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 debates.

Although he relaunched his campaign as an independent in October 2023, Kennedy originally launched as a Democrat before leaving the party of his famed family name, where he would’ve been challenging Biden for the nomination. He was sidelined, and the Democratic National Committee also made it clear no debates would be held, leading Kennedy to be frustrated with the party, among other emerging differences.

In his speech outside the Constitution Center in Philadelphia last year, where he relaunched his campaign, Kennedy said he planned to disrupt both major candidates but it appears he will most likely damage Biden’s campaign far more than Trump’s.

Kennedy’s recent remarks about the president come after Biden, his administration, and his supporters have repeatedly called Trump a “danger” and “threat to democracy,” particularly by blaming him for the Capitol riots of January 6th, 2021. The claim that the attack took place due to Trump’s questioning of the 2020 presidential election results.

Kennedy said although he did believe “trying to overthrow the election” was “clearly a threat,” he added that the real question was who represented a “worse threat.” The independent candidate said he answered that “the First Amendment… is most important.”

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