(RepublicanNews.org) – The first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is less than a week away, and the rules have been announced, which both candidates agreed upon.
The first debate between the president and former president will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27th. The network announced the rules on Saturday, June 15th, and some of the conditions include coin flips and microphone muting.
The debate will be moderated by two CNN anchors, Dana Bush and Jake Tapper, which has raised some criticism from Trump supporters due to Tapper’s historical bias against the former president. It will run for about an hour and a half and feature two commercial breaks. Which podium each candidate takes will be decided by the flip of a coin, and microphones will only be unmuted when it is a candidate’s turn to speak, according to the network, which is meant to prevent each from interrupting the other.
One of the most controversial conditions, and a major difference from previous debates, is that this debate will not have a live studio audience. Critics of Biden believe this condition is set up to his advantage because Trump will not only draw a larger crowd than the president but is also better at working an audience than the octogenarian-in-chief, who has not fared as well.
A condition that may benefit Trump and limit Biden due to his questionable mental capabilities is that no pre-written notes or props will be allowed. Each candidate will receive a pen, paper, and water.
Trump and Biden have agreed to face off in two debates before November. The second debate is set to be hosted on September 10 by ABC News.
Despite his guilty verdict in New York, Trump remains neck-and-neck with Biden in most polls, and many show him with a slight lead in nearly all of the battleground states, such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. The president is trying desperately to catch up, and rolled out a new ad campaign in those states on Monday, June 17th, to the tune of $50 million.
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