SCOTUS Approves Cutting of Wire at Border

( – Texas has been embroiled in an increasingly contentious immigration enforcement dispute with the Biden administration, and on January 22, a split Supreme Court permitted Border Patrol officials to continue dismantling the razor wire that the state had built along a section of the U.S.-Mexico border.

With the 5-4 decision, Border Patrol officers may now dismantle or remove the coiled wire that Texas has installed along the Rio Grande banks to prevent illegal migrants from reaching the United States. The Justice Department has said the barrier hinders the United States government’s capacity to monitor the border.

Reports show complete silence on the reasoning behind the justices’ votes. The Biden administration has succeeded with the one-page order, even if the case about the wire is still ongoing.

The wire was allowed by Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of Texas, as part of a series of strict measures aimed at the border to reduce the number of illegal crossings from Mexico.

According to his spokesperson, border patrol agents in Texas have it tough since migrants are more likely to try crossing the border unsafely when razor wire and additional deterrents are not there.

Andrew Mahaleris, a spokesperson for Governor Abbott, said that the lawsuit is still continuing and that Abbott would keep fighting to protect Texas’ property and the state’s constitutional right to defend its borders.

Reports reveal the Texas National Guard laid more razor wire along the border on Tuesday in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling permitting the Biden regime to dismantle and remove the existing razor wire.

In an effort to stem the influx of illegal immigrants allowed entry by the Biden administration, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott had already strung razor wire along the Texas/Mexico border, close to Eagle Pass, for nearly thirty miles.

Regarding the Biden administration’s cutting of razor wire at the border, Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas sued them last October. The case went on to the 5th Circuit Appeals. Agents were ruled unable to cut the razor wire by the appellate court last month.

Ken Paxton has promised to stand up for Texas’ independence.

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