Trump Overtakes Biden in April Campaign Fundraising Push

( – The general presidential election is only five and half months away, and the two main contenders remain neck-and-neck in many polls, yet former President Donald Trump seems to hold a slight lead over President Joe Biden — and not just in polling, but now also in fundraising.

In April, Trump took the lead over Biden for the first time in monthly fundraising, adding this to his lead in surveys and polls in battleground states and indicating the tide seems to be turning in the former president’s favor.

On Monday, May 20th, Biden’s campaign announced that between their coffers and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), they had raised more than $51 million in April and over $473 million in total over a year since Biden launched his re-election campaign. The DNC also said Biden’s coffers are higher than any other Democratic candidate “at this point” in the election cycle historically.

Trump finally topped the Democrats last month by a substantial amount, raking in $76 million between his campaign, the Republican National Committee (RNC), and their joint fundraising committees.

The RNC posted about the disparity on social media, proclaiming excitedly that they outraised the president “by $25 MILLION in April!” They added that Americans “are taking a stand against the Democrats’ lawfare.”

The numbers for April represent a shift from the previous month when the Democrats and Biden pulled in about $90 million next to Trump and the RNC’s $65.6 million for March. Part of the reason the president saw such a boost in March is because he held a massive fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama joined Biden on stage for that event, which raised over $26 million.

Biden has maintained a consistent edge over Trump in fundraising, but Trump was able to boost his numbers for April with a single event in Palm Beach, Florida. That event was hosted at the residence of investor John Paulson and raked in over $50.5 million in a single day, a record-setting fundraising sum.

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