Trump Risks Angering Conservatives with His Stance on Abortion

( – While perhaps trying to mitigate some of the backlash from the 2022 Supreme Court ruling that ended federal abortion protections, former President Donald Trump also infuriated many conservative pro-life activists and some of his Republican colleagues by taking a moderate position on abortion.

Trump published an announcement on Monday, April 8th, in the form of a four-minute video on his Truth Social page which clarified his official position on the abortion issue. Although he reiterated supporting exceptions for sexual assault, incest, and health complications for the mother, Trump implied he was still personally against the practice but ultimately took the middle road by endorsing the current state of the issue after the Roe v. Wade decision. That decision kicked the issue back to each individual state, and that’s where Trump believes it should remain.

He said that it’s up to the voters in each state “to do the right thing,” but that whatever they decide is “the law of the land,” or in this case, “the law of the state.”

This position may take the air out of much of President Joe Biden’s campaign messaging about Trump, much of which has accused Trump of wanting to ban the practice federally if he returns to the White House. Although Trump previously floated the idea of a 15-week nationwide ban, he did not take a solid position on it.

His decision to leave the issue to the states inspired backlash from many fellow Republicans, including former Vice President Mike Pence, who called it a “slap in the face” to all of Trump’s 2016 and 2020 pro-life voters. Trump was also criticized by pro-life activist Marjorie Dannenfelser, who said she was “deeply disappointed” in the former president’s remarks. GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina also criticized Trump’s stance.

Trump responded by telling Dennenfelser and Graham to “study the 10th Amendment” as well as “state’s rights.” He also implied his stance would more likely help Republicans win elections. While Trump may have upset many potential voters among conservatives, they will likely still vote for him, and his moderate position may win over others who were previously less likely to do so.

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