Trump’s Plan to Deport Almost 20 Million Illegal Migrants

( – Former President Donald Trump said that if he returned to the White House, not only would he carry out his previous promises of mass deportation of illegal aliens, but the effort would be the “largest” in American history. If taken to its full extent, the plan would have to deport as many as 20 million people.

Similar to his 2016 campaign promise which was never truly fulfilled during his administration, Trump promises a mass deportation of illegal immigrants across all fifty states if re-elected, which he vows will be the “largest” such effort in the nation’s history. In an exclusive interview published on April 30th, the former president laid out his agenda if he’s victorious in November, and promised to restore order to America.

Trump says that he is willing to mobilize local law enforcement, the military, and the National Guard to carry out the deportation agenda. He told the TIME interviewer that most of the legwork would be carried out by the National Guard, while military and local law enforcement would be leveraged only when necessary. The interviewer then pressed Trump about a law dating back to 1878 that prohibits mobilizing military forces against the civilian population, a statute that Trump reportedly seemed “unmoved by the weight of.”

According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data, around 20 million illegal immigrants reside in the U.S. at this moment. Trying to deport that many people would not only require National Guard and other enforcement but also an expansion of ICE as well as extensive collaboration with the Department of State. Such an agenda would then require a funding boost from Congress, according to former ICE officials.

Former acting director of ICE during Trump’s time in office, Tom Homan, says that although the agency does have the systems it needs to identify people, the capability to carry out the deportations would depend upon the resources allocated to the project.

Another obstacle to carrying out such a plan would be so-called “sanctuary cities” run by Democrats which will refuse to cooperate with ICE removal operations. This would require a heavy-handed response that could result in more backlash, especially from radical left-wing activists who defend illegal immigration.

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