Tucker Carlson Humiliates Reporter After Ridiculous Question

(RepublicanNews.org) – Daily Caller co-founder and former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson ran circles around an Australian reporter who tried to run roughshod over him by accusing him of promoting racism and the “Great Replacement Theory.”

On Wednesday, June 26th, Carlson posted a clip from a recent speaking event in Australia addressing the release of Australian journalist Julian Assange. In that clip from a Q&A following Carlson’s speech, captioned saying “meet the Australian media,” Carlson denied accusations that he believes in “The Great Replacement Theory.”

The reporter was stumped when Carlson challenged her to produce a citation of him saying that “whites are being replaced.” He then clarified that what he actually said was that “native-born Americans are being replaced,” which includes Black Americans. Carlson noted how many Black families have historical roots going back centuries, adding that he’s just as upset that they are not being prioritized over immigrants.

Carlson said the concerns of such families are “every bit as real and valid” to him as those of “white people,” whose families were here as long. The reporter tried to refute Carlson and continued to argue that he promotes “The Great Replacement Theory,” which is a theory that white Americans are being systematically replaced, turning white Americans into a minority and resulting in “cultural erosion.”

Carlson pointed out that the reporter could not cite any instance of him saying he believed that because he “never said it” and does not believe it. Carlson then explained that his position is that leaders should be responsible to the people born in their nation first, which should be able to replenish its population by creating a prosperous society with high birthrates rather than importing people from other countries. He said if the reporter believed that made him a “racist,” then that was her problem.

The reporter replied that she “never called [Carlson] a racist,” to which the former Fox anchor said she was “suggesting” it. Carlson then blasted the entire media and said that “one of the reasons people don’t like” people in the media is because they never “just say exactly” what they mean.

She then suggested Carlson’s views inspired a mass shooting in New York in 2022, to which Carlson laughed and asked how the media hires people “this stupid,” provoking laughter from the audience.

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