Unexpected FBI Alert: Nikki Haley Faces International Threat

Unexpected FBI Alert: Nikki Haley Faces International Threat

Nikki Haley has revealed a shocking FBI warning about an Iranian assassination plot targeting her and other top U.S. political figures, further unraveling the risk faced by those in the political spotlight.

At a Glance

  • Nikki Haley revealed that the FBI informed her about Iranian targeting of her campaign
  • Haley emphasized ongoing foreign threats to American political stability, calling for increased awareness
  • The assassination plot was reportedly in retaliation for the death of Qasem Soleimani
  • Federal investigations are underway to uncover the full scale and participants of the plot

FBI Warning to Nikki Haley

Former UN Ambassador and prominent political figure Nikki Haley disclosed that the FBI warned her of an Iranian-backed conspiracy to assassinate her during her presidential campaign. The notification highlighted the severe danger she was under and drew public attention to the lengths foreign adversaries might go to destabilize American political processes. By revealing this information, Haley emphasized the critical need for persistent vigilance among U.S. political figures.

Nikki Haley stated, “This has been going on for years. Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, to some extent, they have spent years on the cheapest form of warfare, which is how to divide Americans and cause chaos.”

Federal authorities have indicated that these threats were primarily in response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani, a pivotal Iranian general, in a U.S. drone strike in January 2020. This retaliation plot wasn’t only targeted at Haley but extended to other high-profile figures including former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

Congressional and FBI Insights

Senator Chuck Grassley confirmed the assassination plot, which was discovered in unclassified FBI documents. These documents surfaced after a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Grassley emphasized the deadly seriousness of these plots and the ongoing danger to American political leaders from foreign entities.

“Yousef had drawn a diagram on a whiteboard to demonstrate to Merchant how an assassination could be conducted” and he also “drew a rectangle representing an area where a crowd would gather. At the top of the rectangle was a small box representing a podium whether the target could be located,” per the document.

The plot against these prominent American figures was sophisticated. Asif Merchant, a Pakistani involved in the conspiracy, was charged with murder for hire after allegedly attempting to hire a hitman. Merchant had provided the FBI with details about Trump’s rally security and logistics. How involved Iran was in planning the exact details of these plots remains a significant concern for U.S. national security.

The Broader Implications

Haley continues to underscore the critical importance of public awareness regarding threats not just from Russia and China but also from Iran. She highlighted Iran’s persistent efforts to create division within the United States and destabilize the nation’s political framework. Haley urged Americans to stay vigilant and recognize the ongoing efforts of foreign adversaries to influence and disrupt U.S. politics.

“Look at what happened in [New York Governor Kathy] Hochul’s office with the Chinese influence and what was happening there. Look at the murder-for-hire plot on U.S. soil, which I was named in, by Iran.” The Daily Wire

Through her exposure of these ongoing threats, Haley aims to bolster American resilience and preparedness against such foreign plots. Even though Haley’s campaign ended after substantial losses on Super Tuesday, she remains a pivotal figure within the Republican Party and has expressed willingness to support Donald Trump if required.


  1. Nikki Haley Says Iran Meddled in Presidential Bid, Named Her in Assassination Plot
  2. Nikki Haley says FBI informed her during White House bid that Iran was targeting her
  3. New details emerge on Iranian-backed plot to potentially assassinate Trump, Haley or Biden
  4. Nikki Haley: FBI Warned Iran Was Trying To Kill Me, ‘Hurt’ My Campaign
  5. SC’s Haley says Iran tried to hurt her presidential campaign as part of meddling efforts
  6. Newly released FBI records detail Iranian assassination plots for Trump, Biden and Haley
  7. Nikki Haley Warns of Iranian Regime’s Terrorist Acts and Election Interference
  8. Grassley reveals new details into alleged Iranian-backed plot to assassinate Biden, Trump, and Haley