Woman Blames God for Florida Shooting Spree

(RepublicanNews.org) – A 22-year-old woman from Georgia is reported to have told police that she had been instructed by God to shoot people on Monday, April 8th, and that the solar eclipse was her sign to begin her violent rampage.

Taylon Nichelle Celestine fired shots at two vehicles as she drove along the Interstate 10 highway in Washington County, Florida, injuring two drivers. The first driver suffered injuries to his arm after Celestine hit his window and shattered it, but he was able to pull his car over onto the hard shoulder and get away from her, according to police reports. The second driver was shot in the neck and was taken to hospital to be treated.

Celestine is alleged to have been staying in a Florida hotel the night before the attack. Upon checking out of the hotel, she allegedly informed the staff of her plans, alluding to the solar eclipse as a sign for her to begin her brutal assault on total strangers. According to the Highway Patrol, she said that she had been guided by God to carry out her violent plans, although the local Holmes County Sheriff’s Office specified that she had in fact referred to herself as God.

She is accused of then getting into a purple Dodge Challenger and driving onto the Interstate 10 highway, heading westwards for nearly five miles. Before getting five miles along the road, she is alleged to have targeted her first victim, shooting his car multiple times.

Officers were able to carry out a traffic stop some miles after she allegedly shot her second victim, where they were able to arrest her and take her into custody without further incident. Police say that they found two guns in her vehicle: an AR-15 and a 9mm handgun. She was transported to the nearby Holmes County Jail and charged with improper discharge of a firearm, aggravated battery, and attempted murder. No details have yet been confirmed about the possibility of bail.

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