Woman Sues After Dentist Leaves Her Disfigured

(RepublicanNews.org) – 20 fillings wasn’t enough. A Minnesota dentist named Kevin Molldrem is being sued by one of his patients for allegedly “disfiguring” her during a lengthy 5 hour procedure that included 4 root canals and 8 crowns in addition to the 20 fillings. The patient, Kathleen Wilson, reportedly was not adequately informed about the dentist’s intentions, and she alleges he falsified anesthesia documentation in an effort to minimize his significant endeavor.

The procedure left Wilson in significant pain, suffering from “injuries,” as well as distress from being so mutilated. Wilson did have decay in many of her teeth, requiring extensive dental attention, but the manner in which Molldrem attempted to address her work is described as the “antithesis” of proper medical treatment by a dentist acting as an expert witness for Wilson.

This consulting dentist also said that attempting to fix every tooth in one procedure is not “humanely possible,” suggesting that it could only be achieved with inhumane practices.

She also had to undergo several more surgeries from other dentists in an attempt to fix Molldrem’s work. Wilson is seeking $50,000 in damages, alleging that Molldrem was negligent, and that he gave her twice the maximum dose of anesthesia. Giving a patient elevated amounts of anesthesia puts them at risk of serious medical problems or even death.

At the heart of the case against Molldrem is the medical concept of “informed consent,” which is the idea that medical professionals should adequately and thoroughly help their patients to understand the different risks and potential outcomes of any given medical procedure. Without that thorough explanation and mutual understanding between the patient and the medical professional, it’s considered unethical to go through with the procedure or treatment, the patient not being able to properly consent if they aren’t made aware of the basic risks involved.

Molldrem has been a practicing dentist for 20 years. His office did not answer calls requesting his comments on the matter.

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