Russian Assassination Plot Foiled by US Spies

( – After discovering a plan by Russia to assassinate the CEO of a German weapons company that has been supplying arms to Ukraine, U.S. officials warned German security personnel who were able to prevent the killing. 

The plot discovered by U.S. intelligence was aimed at Armin Papperger, the chief executive of Rheinmetall. The company is one of the largest makers of tank shells and other war materiel in the world, and Ukraine has relied on their armaments to defend itself in the Russia-provoked war between the two countries. 

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who is close with current President Putin, has said in the past that Russia would attack any operation Rheinmetall might build within Ukraine’s borders. 

The foiled plot against Papperger was apparently part of a whole list of planned assassinations and attacks the Kremlin hopes to carry out against European entities that have offered Ukraine aid. It was probably sparked by Rheinmetall’s announcement this past February that it planned to build an artillery factory in Ukraine. 

CEO Papperger has not escaped all attempts on his life, though. In April a house on his property was found ablaze. Though it is not clear what ultimately caused the fire, at least one German newspaper said it was set by radical leftist activists. 

Meanwhile, Russia has been working quietly with proxy actors to sabotage European facilities, including the recruitment of local vandals to set fires and destroy property. This is apparently in an effort to stop European countries from sending support to Ukraine. 

The biggest target is Germany’s Rheinmetall since its operations and production are so vast. The company makes 155mm shells that are central in Ukraine’s wear defense efforts. 

Reacting to news of the thwarted attack on Papperger and his company, the German Foreign Minister said Russia was carrying out a kind of hybrid war. Annalena Baerbock said Russia’s efforts included cyberattacks and sabotage of important infrastructure. 

“We as Europeans must protect ourselves,” she said, warning her government peers not to be “naïve.”

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